Turn a blue Monday into a Brew Monday

In January we turned what is widely considered one of the most difficult days of the year, ‘Blue Monday’ (the third Monday in January), into Brew Monday! We banished the ‘January blues’ by encouraging people to spend time with friends, family, neighbours or workmates and lend a listening ear over a brew.

Samaritans staff and volunteers were in 159 railway stations across the country inviting people to join them for a cuppa and handing out over 100,000 Brew Monday teabags!

All over the UK and Ireland people put the kettle on, baked and chatted to raise funds to save lives. So far over £30,000 has been raised for Brew Monday. An incredible amount that will help us to continue supporting people whenever they need us.

Life is tough – it can be tough all year round – and that’s why Brew Monday is not exclusive to January. Sharing a cuppa is a great excuse to take time to listen. And who knows, it might save a life.

You can hold a Brew Monday event at any-time of the year. Swap the Monday blues for Monday brews and sign up at samaritans.org/brewmonday